Business trip massage price and course information

(Business trip massage (출장안마) Course A: 2 hours, 150,000 won This is a basic, essential course that allows cool and gentle care in a short time.

Business trip massage (출장안마) Course B: 6 hours, 250,000 With the attached oil technique, this course can bring about an excellent effect on the positive flow of energy and relaxation in the human body.

Business trip massage (출장안마) C course: 9 hours 350,000 Advanced management course for customers who insist on only the best, composition massage with know-how unique to love business trips, comfort and healing, luxury premium class

To give you one costly tip, you can see a phenomenon in which the usage fee is slightly higher by promoting through an advertising company, but our love business trip massage guides you directly

Because the service is provided, the manager's quality is higher than that of other companies, and the cost is reasonable.

View Source:- Business trip massage price and course information

Read Our One More Blog: Where can I get a business trip massage?


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